Blogger Content Policy

Blogger is a free service to help communication and self-expression and freedom of speech. It is our belief that Blogger is working to increase the availability of information and encourages healthy debate and offer new connections between people.
We respect our users' ownership of the content they choose to share the responsibility for it. We believe that the control of this content is contrary to a service that bases itself on freedom of expression.
In order to uphold these values, we need to curb abuses that threaten our ability to provide this service and the freedom of expression it encourages. As a result, there are some limitations on the quality of content that can be hosted using Blogger. The restrictions that we've defined are those that conform to the legal requirements, which works to improve the service as a whole.
Content limits
Content policies play an important role in maintaining a positive experience for you, the users. Please observe these guidelines. From time to time, we may change our content policies that apply, so please check back here. Please also note that when applying the policies below, you may apply the exceptions based on artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific considerations or where there are other substantial benefits to the public in the event of failure to take action on the content.
Adult Content: We do allow adult content on Blogger, including images or videos that contain nudity or sexual activity. But, please mark your blogs on it include 'adult content' in the Blogger settings. If this is not done, we have put the code behind the interface page 'mature content'.
There are some exceptions to the policy of adult content that we follow:

    Do not use Blogger as a way to make money from adult content. For example, do not create blogs represent ads or links to commercial pornography sites on the web a large percentage of their content.
    Do not let the content of incest or bestiality: We do not allow content that includes photos or videos or texts which suffered incest or bestiality or discourage it clips.

Child safety: We zero tolerance policy towards content that exploits children. Some examples include the following:

    Child pornography: We will terminate the accounts of any user we find publishing or distributing child pornography. We will also report to law enforcement that user.
    START Pedophilia: We do not allow content that encourages or promotes sexual attraction towards children. For example, do not create blogs with galleries of images of children where the collection of images or attached images is sexually suggestive texts.
Speech that incites hatred: We want you to use Blogger to pass over them your opinions even if they give rise to considerable controversy. But do not Ttaktoa permitted by spreading the word that hate border. By this we mean content that promotes hate groups or violence against individuals based on race or ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status or sexual / sexual identity went out. For example, do not you write a blog where Chirwa, that members of Race X are criminals or advocating violence against followers of Religion, p.
Glen content: Do not publish the content to be shocking or contains only a set of images. For example, groups of images that contain pictures close wounds that occur as a result of gunshot or accident scenes without additional context or commentary would violate this policy.
Violence: Do not threaten other people on your blogs. For example, do not publish death threats against another person or against a group of persons or content encouraging your readers to take violent action against another person or group of persons.
Copyright: It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged presence of cases of violation of copyright. You can find more information about copyright procedures here. Also, please do not provide links to Web sites allow readers can obtain unauthorized downloads them to the contents of other people.
Personal and confidential information: Do not allow the publication of personal and confidential information belonging to another person. For example, do not publish credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, unlisted phone numbers and driver's licenses belonging to another person. But also remember that in most cases the information is not available elsewhere, whether on the Internet or in public records private or confidential under our policies.
Impersonating others: Please do not mislead or confuse readers by pretending the fact that you or other people that you represent an organization and you do not represent the truth. We are not saying you can not publish parody or satire - but avoid content that is likely to lead to mislead readers about your true Hotm.
Illegal activities: Do not use Blogger to engage in illegal activities or to promote dangerous and illegal activities. For example, do not Talfoa blog encouraging people to drink and drive. Otherwise, we may delete your content. Also, in serious cases such as those involving the abuse of children, we may report you competent authorities.
Spam: Spam takes several forms in Blogger, all of which can lead to the deletion of your account or your blogs. Some examples include creating custom codes to guide the largest number of visitors to your website or to move it up in search listings and posting comments on blogs of others in order to promote your websites on the web or your products only, and cropped content from other sources for the primary purpose of generating revenue or any other personal gain.
Malware and viruses: Do not Tencioa blogs that transmit viruses, cause pop-ups, attempt to install software without the reader's consent, or otherwise blog readers by publishing malicious code. All of that is completely banned in Blogger.
The imposition of content policy for service Blogger
If you have a blog you think they violate our content policies, please report them using the link "Report abuse" button at the top of each blog bottom of the list "more" drop-down (Note: If the blog owner has hidden this link, you can still reporting abuse here).
Our team reviews these flags for policy violations. If it is proven that the Code does not violate our policies, we will not be taking any action against the blog or blog owner. But if we find that the code violates our content policies, you take one or more of the following, according to the severity of the violation:

    Put the blog behind a firewall "adult content"
    Put the blog behind a firewall where the blog author is the only one who has access to content.
    Delete offensive content or blog posts, or the same Entries
    Disable the author's access to the account Entries
    Disable the author's access to your Google Account
    Notify law enforcement authorities for that user
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